The Flinn-Engdahl webservice returns the Flinn-Engdahl region code, or region name, or both for a specified latitude and longitude.
Returned values are text strings, e.g. region code “014” which corresponds to region name “Kenai Peninsula, Alaska”.
Below is a full list of service parameters and their usage.
Query Usage
Sample Queries
- BASEURL/flinnengdahl/2/query?lat=-20.5&lon=-100.6&output=code
- BASEURL/flinnengdahl/2/query?lon=-122.24&lat=42&output=region
Detailed Descriptions of each Query Parameter
parameters | examples | discussion |
output | code | code — retrieves the Flinn-Engdahl numeric code, (eg. 32 )region — retrieves the Flinn-Engdahl region description, (eg. OREGON )both — retrieves both the code and the region description, (eg. 32 | OREGON) |
lat | 42 | Specify latitude, in decimal degrees. Must be within the range [-90.0, 90.0] |
lon | -120.6 | Specify longitude, in decimal degrees. Must be within the range [-180.0, 180.0] |
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